Make your Customized Portrait Coconut in your Restaurants and Bars with Mr. Coconut

By: Shivam Agarwal, CEO & CO-FOUNDER MR COCONUT | 05 March 2023

Despite having fantastic food, those considering running a restaurant must also focus on the establishment's appearance. Failure to consider restaurant design is a major factor in many restaurants' failures, even those with excellent food involving the perfect decorations with carved coconut.

The secret to enticing visitors into restaurants is appealing interior design. It must attract visitors like a magnet by offering them great food and sensory perceptions. Following are some guidelines for designing a restaurant interior with coconut printing, whether you have recently purchased a business or are beginning from scratch:


Typography may be successfully incorporated into your décor when done well. Vibrant visuals, marquee lettering, charts, and diagrams are all entertaining methods to add information to your design plan. Vintage neon signs are also quite popular right now; consider creating one with a saying or slogan that captures the spirit of your business with Peeled Coconut decorations.

Promote local designers

Asking for assistance from local designers will assist you in creating a huge, open wall area on a budget. You may acquire a changing collection of distinctive decorations by setting up a feature wall that features a new artist or team of designers every month or every three months, giving local artists a chance to display and sell their work.

Wall paintings and murals

In addition to a gallery wall, buying a mural or piece of wall art or coconut printing in the graffiti style is a fantastic way to highlight local talent. It offers an Instagram-worthy backdrop, and you may entice visitors to take pictures and selfies at your location, which can boost your visibility through user-generated content. No space inside for mural-sized artwork? Replace that with a mural on the outside of your business!

Go green

Add indoor plants to your location design to fill the room with greenery. In addition to being lovely and soothing, plants often aid in filtering the air. Also, they provide visitors with a visual connection to the food's quality.

Open up the area

If your kitchen has a distinctive focal point, such as a wood-burning pizza oven, include it in the decoration. Consider creating a liquor tunnel, exposed wine cellar, or another interesting place to let visitors see the back of the home if opening the kitchen area is impossible. People are more engaged and start conversations when you allow them to come near your items. They often spend more money as they gain more knowledge about carved coconut.

Select a theme

Although this isn't always the case, it's a popular misunderstanding that themed restaurants provide more than just food. Choose a theme that won't seem out of date in a few years if you consider it would work well for the layout of your business. Instead, choose something that represents your cuisine or business and combine your theme in a contemporary way, like Ladybird's 1970s summer camp motif.

Modern minimalism

Use a minimalistic appearance to convey the idea that less is more. Choose basic color schemes, natural materials, and clean lines. Remember that sometimes using an easy way might be more challenging because every small detail is important and will be seen.

Consider the classics by Mr. Coconut

As long as it complements your restaurant's cuisine, certain aesthetics are considered classics. French cafes, restaurants from the 1950s, or pizzerias with a vintage aesthetic may all evoke nostalgia while maintaining a contemporary edge with coconut printing decorations.

Community-focused layout

Restaurants may unite a community since food has a powerful equalizing effect. Try setting up a communal table, turning off the Televisions, or providing board games for customers to enjoy while they wait if you want to make your restaurant feel more social.

Location-based architecture

Your decor may occasionally choose itself. Whereas a BBQ business will create a completely different set of standards, a seafood restaurant on the ocean will call for blues and whites, light wood, and elegant nautical elements. Consider your surroundings and what visitors could expect when entering your restaurant.

Pay attention to the lights

. For your visitors, good lighting adds ambiance. Spend time considering the atmosphere you want to establish and the experience you wish your customers to have when they enter your restaurant. When you select your coconut printing, remember the restaurant's atmosphere, worker safety, and energy efficiency, and if you want customers to snap a beautiful photo of their meal for social media.

Functionality is essential with Mr.Coconut

Although the function is sometimes far less enjoyable to implement than design, a well-functioning restaurant may greatly influence your profit line. Employ a qualified designer to structure your space and optimize function. It's not necessary for a tiny area to feel limited or congested. Hackneyed—or just inadequate design may leave a terrible taste in a customer's mouth, from earplug-inducing acoustics to weird décor. The ambiance may be just as crucial to dining out as the food. Therefore the unpleasant design should never ruin the experience.

Spruce up your restaurant & Bar with Mr. Coconut

A layout plan should be the first step in carefully designing a restaurant with carved coconut. As the kitchen is the main source of income, it shouldn't be ignored. As it may attract clients, the washroom should be given priority. Based on the demographics of your customers, choose the restaurant theme to encourage revisit.

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